Land of the free because of the brave craft
Land of the free because of the brave craft

land of the free because of the brave craft

What haven't we tried yet? Babs: Uh- Bunty: We haven't tried not trying to escape. Nick: You call this pay?! Fetcher: It's chicken feed! Ginger: What else could we give you? Nick: Eggs.

land of the free because of the brave craft land of the free because of the brave craft

Fetcher: Like a duck! Ginger: No, thank you. For parties.For weddings! Uh, madame! This makes you look like a vision, like a dream. And as the French hens say, "Voila!" Fetcher: That is French. Nick: Or how about this little number that's all the rage in the most fashionable coops in Paris. Fetcher: Or this lovely necklace and pendant? Ginger: Well, it's lovely. Nick: Right you are, miss! How about this quality, hand-crafted tea set? Ginger: Um, no. Ginger: Over here! Ginger: We need some more things. Babs: Ohh! Nick: You called? Nick and… Fetcher: Fetcher. Dialogue Bunty: Shush! Babs: Bunty: I'm stuck! Ginger: Get back!

Land of the free because of the brave craft